It’s Time to Vote!
Vote for your favorite local businesses in the Pacific Sun Best of Marin 2020 Poll. Don’t forget to vote for Taj of Marin, voting ends February 29,2020. Taj features the most exquisite and authentic North and South Indian cuisine. Our menu also includes vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options.
“At Taj of Marin, you will find impeccable food, outstanding customer service, and a delightful environment.”
Vote for Taj of Marin under these categories:
- Best Indian (must specify town & complete biz name)
- Best Vegetarian
Voting rules:
- Complete at least 20 votes of the ballot for inclusion in the poll
- Ballots are confidential, but you may be contacted to confirm your vote
- Only 20 ballots per IP address
- Keep your votes to locally owned and operated businesses.
- Pacific Sun staff members, contributors, advertisers and their families may vote
- Deadline for online ballots is February 29 at 5 PM.
- First Place Winners will be chosen.
- Keep your votes to locally born businesses!